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Registriert: Fr 5. Aug 2022, 09:41

Volla Phone 22 - Multi Boot with Ubuntu Touch

Hi Fellow forum Users,

It's seems that the 05/08 build of Ubuntu Touch isn't too happy with the new device. Boots up fine with the following partition sizing & layout:
OS System Data @18.2GiB
OS User Data @32.4GiB

Image seemed to have flashed correctly using the built in partition manager of the mult-boot feature (pretty slick that all of this can be done from within VollaOS to be fair). But once booted into Ubuntu Touch I am greeted with the setup wizard, but no keyboard. Touch seems to work. I then plugged in a physical keyboard (as I am stubborn and wanted to spawn a shell to troubleshoot), but that only got me as far as the home screen which I could then solely operate with the physical keyboard as the touch input stopped. :D

Anyone else similar experiences?
Beiträge: 48
Registriert: Sa 30. Jul 2022, 10:54
Volla Phone mit: Volla OS 12
sonstiges Handy/iPhone mit Android Version/iOS Version: Ubuntu Touch (dual boot on Volla22), postmarketOS, Droidian

Re: Volla Phone 22 - Multi Boot with Ubuntu Touch

I could not find the UBports version on my fresh VP22. What version (from channel stable, rc, devel) was installed on your VP22 when it arrived?
Zuletzt geändert von sve am Sa 6. Aug 2022, 10:10, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
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Registriert: Sa 6. Aug 2022, 08:08

Re: Volla Phone 22 - Multi Boot with Ubuntu Touch

Hi humage,
no, I had no such problems. The only strange thing was that after I started Ubuntu for the first time, it immediately, just after the Ubuntu logo had appeared, restarted itself. But then it worked fine. Shortly after I had set it up it downloaded a big update that required a restart. Everything good now (except that Ubuntu does not detect my SIM card which I dont't have to deal with right now since I'll use Volla OS for the time being).
So there's not really anything I could advise. If I had the problem I would probably wipe the sd card and reinstall Ubuntu in the hope that this might help.
How did you find out how to install Ubuntu Touch by the way? (Somebody in the German Forum (Neulingsfragen) is asking for instructions.)
Beiträge: 48
Registriert: Sa 30. Jul 2022, 10:54
Volla Phone mit: Volla OS 12
sonstiges Handy/iPhone mit Android Version/iOS Version: Ubuntu Touch (dual boot on Volla22), postmarketOS, Droidian

Re: Volla Phone 22 - Multi Boot with Ubuntu Touch

If you use a developer version:

the VP22 might be affected by a wider issue: see ... nel-issues
Beiträge: 48
Registriert: Sa 30. Jul 2022, 10:54
Volla Phone mit: Volla OS 12
sonstiges Handy/iPhone mit Android Version/iOS Version: Ubuntu Touch (dual boot on Volla22), postmarketOS, Droidian

Re: Volla Phone 22 - Multi Boot with Ubuntu Touch

They fixed the issue that existed in the developer version, see
Beiträge: 9
Registriert: Fr 12. Aug 2022, 06:58

Re: Volla Phone 22 - Multi Boot with Ubuntu Touch

stu hat geschrieben: Sa 6. Aug 2022, 08:59 Hi humage,
no, I had no such problems. The only strange thing was that after I started Ubuntu for the first time, it immediately, just after the Ubuntu logo had appeared, restarted itself. But then it worked fine. Shortly after I had set it up it downloaded a big update that required a restart. Everything good now (except that Ubuntu does not detect my SIM card which I dont't have to deal with right now since I'll use Volla OS for the time being).
So there's not really anything I could advise. If I had the problem I would probably wipe the sd card and reinstall Ubuntu in the hope that this might help.
How did you find out how to install Ubuntu Touch by the way? (Somebody in the German Forum (Neulingsfragen) is asking for instructions.)
I hava a Volla22 with a UT not a VollaOS and the sim is only recognised in slot 2.
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Beiträge: 9
Registriert: Fr 12. Aug 2022, 06:58

Re: Volla Phone 22 - Multi Boot with Ubuntu Touch

PGuerra hat geschrieben: Fr 12. Aug 2022, 07:46
stu hat geschrieben: Sa 6. Aug 2022, 08:59 Hi humage,
no, I had no such problems. The only strange thing was that after I started Ubuntu for the first time, it immediately, just after the Ubuntu logo had appeared, restarted itself. But then it worked fine. Shortly after I had set it up it downloaded a big update that required a restart. Everything good now (except that Ubuntu does not detect my SIM card which I dont't have to deal with right now since I'll use Volla OS for the time being).
So there's not really anything I could advise. If I had the problem I would probably wipe the sd card and reinstall Ubuntu in the hope that this might help.
How did you find out how to install Ubuntu Touch by the way? (Somebody in the German Forum (Neulingsfragen) is asking for instructions.)
I hava a Volla22 with a UT not a VollaOS and the sim is only recognised in slot 2.
I had the same issue with volla22 and UT not vollaOS. It seems it has to do with the sd card. with no sd card the solot1 recognizes the sim. With sd card only slot2 recognizes the card. I already reported on github. But could bee usefull if more people reinforced my report on github. ... issues/130
Beiträge: 9
Registriert: Fr 12. Aug 2022, 06:58

Re: Volla Phone 22 - Multi Boot with Ubuntu Touch

I have the Vola22 with UT not VollaOS.
I tried with onother card and the slot 1 got recognized. After that I tried with the sd card that originaly didn't let slot 1 to be recognized and surprise the slot1 became recognizes as well.
I repeated the procedure and everything got working normally.

The sd that originally was problematic was Sandisk Extreme PRO 64GB.
The sd that I used to try a diferent brand was Integral 32 GB.

Now the sim in slot 1 is recognizes with both cards.

I allready reported at github.

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