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Beiträge: 18
Registriert: So 20. Feb 2022, 15:52
Wohnort: Whitby, Ontario, Canada
Volla Phone mit: Volla OS 13
Volla Gerätetyp: VollaPhone X23 E

VollaPhone - screen replacement in Canada

Good day,

I'm writing to ask if anyone has tried to get their screen replaced (by a Canadian service provider), on an original VollaPhone, after being cracked?

I have a small crack in mine (see photos), but would rather not wait until it becomes a bigger issue. I was not able to find replacement screens (as a part) online, and sending an inquiry to VollaPhone directly, received the message:

"We work with a certified service partner who offers fast and professionally competent repairs. You can conveniently order the repairs online at

If you are living in Switzerland, you can drop your device at a shop of"

So that means sending the smartphone to Germany for repairs (plus all accompanying shipping costs, paperwork, etc.).

So, if anyone knows of a domestic service provider in Canada (more specifically around Toronto, in the province of Ontario), I would appreciate hearing from you.

Kind regards,
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Beiträge: 10
Registriert: Mi 3. Aug 2022, 06:48
Volla Gerätetyp: VollaPhone 22

Re: VollaPhone - screen replacement in Canada

Did you manage to find somewhere in Canada to repair your Volla 22? I'm in the same boat
Beiträge: 18
Registriert: So 20. Feb 2022, 15:52
Wohnort: Whitby, Ontario, Canada
Volla Phone mit: Volla OS 13
Volla Gerätetyp: VollaPhone X23 E

Follow-up: VollaPhone - screen replacement in Canada

Well, it looks like there's no one in Canada that does screen replacements for VollaPhones (or more specifically in my case, the Gigaset GS290). I did find a mobile service provider in Oshawa who said they could do it, provided I obtain the actual replacement screen myself and bring it to them. That said, I cannot source any replacement screens for such a handset.

Worse still, as of this week (April 8th), I managed to shatter about 1/3 of the screen area, and the European company that Volla directs us to get repairs done no longer appears to do screen replacements for the (original) VollaPhone at all - phooey!

If you have a VollaPhone X, or a VollaPhone 22, you're still in luck, as the European service provider still appears to do screen replacements for 150 Euros each (although I'm using web browser translator from German to English, so I think this is what it says).

Hope this helps somebody.

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