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Beiträge: 141
Registriert: Do 25. Feb 2021, 22:31

Re: Cannot get Volla Phone 22 configured with Verizon APN in USA, to send or receive phone calls?

Thank you for pointing out Blockada. We have decided against using BLockada. It is a VPN service that filters network traffic. However, the service provider also monitors personal traffic. This is a significant privacy and security risk.

We are therefore taking a different approach with Volla OS. We recommend the VPN service provider, which can guarantee a log-free VPN connection and does not monitor or filter Internet traffic.

For protection against trackers, advertisements and malware, we have introduced the security mode. This filters on the device, without any service provider, trustworthy and secure internet traffic control of the device.

For the definition of the internet domains, we have started an open source projhect on Github. The predefined lists can be conveniently subscribed to and applied by users in security mode.

Besides blöack lists, the security mode also supports white lists. Here we have started in the same open source PRojekt with the compilation of lists to protect especially Kiunder and young people.

Last but not least, the security mopdus is also able to block apps completely at times. This makes sense if you have to use certain apps for professional green, which you do not trust and want to prevent their background activity.

Enjoy the day and your Volla Phone
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: So 31. Jul 2022, 07:04

Re: Cannot get Volla Phone 22 configured with Verizon APN in USA, to send or receive phone calls?

Volla Team:
I wanted to echo the sentiment of the other Volla Phone 22 users in the United States. First, thank you for keeping the United States Volla Phone 22 users informed and "in the loop" about plans for a United States edition of this incredible phone.

Despite the connectivity issues, this phone is an exceptional testimony to what technology should be (in my opinion). When I purchased both of my Volla Phone 22 models, I was hoping to have a phone which would last me the next five, or even ten years. I also loved the idea of disconnecting from the tech giants, especially Google and Apple. My personal Volla Phone 22 is running Ubuntu Touch, while my wife's is using the Volla OS. Both seem to be very competent operating systems which give us a feeling of security and privacy.

As soon as the Volla team figures out the United States connectivity (carrier) issue, I am planning on being one of the first purchasers of the US edition. So again, I ask that Volla keeps all the US users (as well as other areas with carrier issues) informed as to the progress of this new phone project.

Thank you Volla Team for your hard work on these issues and the exceptional hardware and software combination in the Volla Phone 22.
Beiträge: 44
Registriert: Fr 9. Sep 2022, 06:39
Wohnort: Utah
VollaPhone mit: Volla OS 12
sonstiges Handy/iPhone mit Android Version/iOS Version: Volla 22 Multiboot running Volla OS, Ubuntu, & Sailfish. Well, I did have UT and Sailfish until the VOS 12 update...

Re: Cannot get Volla Phone 22 configured with Verizon APN in USA, to send or receive phone calls?

However, the service provider also monitors personal traffic. This is a significant privacy and security risk.
My original intent for mentioning Blokada was simply for people to be able to view and understand how much data was being stolen from their devices. I’ve never found any other app that exposes this data theft (and blocks it) as well as Blokada.

I am aware of your Black/White list project and have no desire to start an argument, but Blokada presents a different story.

I did read through their Privacy policies before installing it, which you can read here: It would seem that the information they store is only regarding the payment processing of their paid services.

Read what they state in their FAQs about privacy here:

Volla does a great job of choosing privacy-based open-source apps that are included with the OS, but many people must run apps only available from the Big Tech stores that are packed with hidden harvesters, not to mention the bloatware installed by the phone manufacturers and cellular carriers. Blokada goes a long way toward blocking this illicit harvesting.

However, I was mistaken about the origins of this app. They are based in Sweden, not Switzerland. My apologies.

BTW: since my post on this subject four days ago, my blocked number has passed 60,912. That is criminal!
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: Mo 27. Feb 2023, 01:02

Re: Cannot get Volla Phone 22 configured with Verizon APN in USA, to send or receive phone calls?

Thrilled to see that Volla is working on a valid US option. I've been looking for a well-functioning Linux phone for awhile, in order to break away from the big two, and this looks easily like the best option (if only it would work in the country I live in...).

My only 2 cents to add is that, in contrast to a previous responder who asked that any US phones produced be 5G capable, most of the people that I know, who know enough about the tech to want to get away from Apple/Google, will not, for similar reasons, buy any phone with a 5G antenna. With a nod to the folks who do want 5G, I'd suggest both 4G and 5G options.

Thanks so much to Marc, and other Volla staff, for what looks like an excellent product and for doing the extra work to make it available for US residents.

Beiträge: 20
Registriert: Sa 28. Aug 2021, 14:53
sonstiges Handy/iPhone mit Android Version/iOS Version: Hülle

Re: Cannot get Volla Phone 22 configured with Verizon APN in USA, to send or receive phone calls?


on our community days in May 3 Partners from US visited us to help us to establish Volla Phone in the US.

Also one US customer, who tried different SIM cards, reported that he succeeded to make calls with his Volla Phone in US with a SIM card he bought and activated in Mexico. So it seems roaming works.

But if you replace and reinsert the SIM card, you lose the ability to make calls again.

Best regards

Customer care

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