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Beiträge: 6
Registriert: So 10. Apr 2022, 17:23
sonstiges Handy/iPhone mit Android Version/iOS Version: VP22/VOS11 X23/VOS12

X23 Imported contacts not showing in some apps

Just got my new X23 and imported my contacts (exported from my VP22)
X23 has the SIM from the VP22
Dialer app displays contacts. Messaging and Telephone apps dont
Telephone says 'You dont have any contacts yet'
If I CREATE NEW CONTACT (from telephone) it says its inserting and it does show up in Contacts and again available to Dialer - but not in Telephone.... Confused.
I have installed SMS Messenger - which sees all contacts. I only used Telephone for speed dial of favourites so it's not a biggy. I am just curious what's wrong

Anyone have any ideas?
Beiträge: 266
Registriert: Do 6. Apr 2023, 16:14
VollaPhone mit: Volla OS 12

Re: X23 Imported contacts not showing in some apps

Contacts only show up in "telephone" when they have at least one phone number. Contacts with email only do not show up.

When importing the VCS file you get asked wether you like to import to "phone", or " this app only".
Did you choose the destination "phone"?
Beiträge: 6
Registriert: So 10. Apr 2022, 17:23
sonstiges Handy/iPhone mit Android Version/iOS Version: VP22/VOS11 X23/VOS12

Re: X23 Imported contacts not showing in some apps

Thanks for the response - so for the delay in my reply
I didnt have an option on the import
But by trial & error if I edit a contact and scroll to the phone attribute I see
"Phone storage (not visible by other apps)"
Open phone attrib > select phone (instead of Phone storage not visible by other apps ) > save
This contact now appears in the Phone app

As I only want to use phone app for speed dial I have a work around

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