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Beiträge: 16
Registriert: So 20. Feb 2022, 15:52
Wohnort: Whitby, Ontario, Canada
Volla Phone mit: Volla OS 12

Malware protection & VollaOS

Good day,

I'm writing to the community to ask if anyone has a malware protection program, either free or paid service, that is running successfully on their VollaPhone?

All the anti-malware programs that I can find on the Aurora Store indicated Google Play as a 'Dependency' (whatever that means) - everything from Norton, Kaspersky, BitDefender, Malawarebytes, AVG, Avast, ESET, McAfee, Harmony, Lookout, MalwareFox, etc. Because of this dependency, I don't think any of them work with VollaOS seamlessly.

I was originally pleased to see that BitDefender Mobile Security was able to install and work just fine soon after receiving the phone in early 2022. The manufacturer originally indicated to me that BMS would NOT work with VollaOS, but it did - until that is, with a recent VollaOS and BMS update. Now the program just gives me an error message regarding Google Play and becomes unresponsive. (I have another post under VollaOS describing this issue).

The only thing I could find under F-Droid was LibreAV, but the online reviews of this product (at least in English) are very rare to the point of being non-existent.

Anyone have suggestions or successes they can point the rest of us to? I would prefer to have a complete malware protection package, that takes care of the virus, worm, Trojan horse, rootkit, ransomware, keylogger and grayware spectrum.

Any help would be appreciated.
Beiträge: 16
Registriert: So 20. Feb 2022, 15:52
Wohnort: Whitby, Ontario, Canada
Volla Phone mit: Volla OS 12

Follow-up: Malware protection & VollaOS

Good day,

Following up on my earlier post, I'm pleased to report that BitDefender Mobile Security (version can now be downloaded successfully (from the Aurora store) onto the VollaPhone, and appears to work just fine. This follows up on recently installing a VollaOS 11.1 update (dated January 11, 2023), yesterday (January 21st).

Prior to this, as an interim measure, I uninstalled BMS and used LibreAV (from the F-Droid store). Running scans with both BMS and LibreAV (today) doesn't appear to show any incompatibility between the two at this time, which is positive, as I can now leave both of them on the mobile.

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