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BeitrÀge: 7
Registriert: Fr 10. Nov 2023, 01:56
VollaPhone mit: Volla OS 12

X23 : My volla os is not anymore in the dual boot


I don't sĂ©e anymore volla os when I reboot my x23 😭.

If i did Ă  Bad manipulation, it's during the configuration of my SD card on volla boot manager I think.

Have you a solution for help me please ?

Thank you,

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BeitrÀge: 7
Registriert: Fr 10. Nov 2023, 01:56
VollaPhone mit: Volla OS 12

Re: X23 : My volla os is not anymore in the dual boot

I tried to do a reset Factory in the recovery mode but don't work.
BeitrÀge: 274
Registriert: Do 6. Apr 2023, 16:14
VollaPhone mit: Volla OS 12

Re: X23 : My volla os is not anymore in the dual boot

how does it look when you remove the SD card from the phone?
BeitrÀge: 7
Registriert: Fr 10. Nov 2023, 01:56
VollaPhone mit: Volla OS 12

Re: X23 : My volla os is not anymore in the dual boot


I removed the SD Card, and now it's work ... I format my it.

Thank you again for your help.


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