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Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Mo 8. Apr 2024, 16:20

[WORKAROUND]Lost contacts on update to 13.

All my contacts with "save on phone" is gone in the "contacts" app. Only the ones from "Signal" remaining.
But, when i start typing in the springboard(which is genius btw!), i still can find the "missing" contacts......
Updated to 13 last week, did not install the update "VollaOS 12.1 2. feb. 2024", but jumped straight to 13.0
Also the dialer can not find the contacts. So i cant search for them, and no name displayed when they call, just nr.
Messages also just gives nr. on the conversations, not names. But it gives names on the ones saved from Signal.

So i can call and send sms to my "lost" contacts, but seems some apps no longer has permission to access contacts?
Zuletzt geändert von trondert am Di 9. Apr 2024, 07:33, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 310
Registriert: Do 6. Apr 2023, 16:14
Volla Phone mit: Volla OS 12

Re: Lost contacts on update to 13.

Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Mo 8. Apr 2024, 16:20

Re: Lost contacts on update to 13.

Thank you for the link.
So short story, contacts stored in "Phone" deleted. As it is now "DEVICE".
Beiträge: 310
Registriert: Do 6. Apr 2023, 16:14
Volla Phone mit: Volla OS 12

Re: [WORKAROUND]Lost contacts on update to 13.

I'm not sure whether the contacts get deleted during the upgrade or just get unreachable for the apps.

The developers are workinng on a solution.

Once you delete all data and cache of the contacts app, they are lost for good.

As I had a recent backup I cleared cache and data of the contacts app and then imported the backup file. This is where the target "DEVICE" first occured on my X23.

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