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Beiträge: 20
Registriert: Do 29. Sep 2022, 21:13
sonstiges Handy/iPhone mit Android Version/iOS Version: Samsung S21

Push notification breaks MS Authenticator

Dear all,

I am the happy owner of a Volla phone 22 and a Volla phone Quintus (and waiting for the Volla Tablet).

Experience is very good, but I have 2 applications that are not working on the devices (all of them):
- MS Authenticator: my organization requires MS Authenticator to be able to log on enterprise network. When I setup MS Authenticator on my volla phones, I got an error message asking to check if "Push notifications" are activated.
- My banking application (from a very large bank) also has an issue with their 2FA setup.

I am aware that "Push notifications" are evil ( ... ations.pdf) , but apparently without it, I cannot use MS Authenticator, and without it, I cannot work.

And yes, I am aware that MS allows third party 2FA applications usage, but my organization has disabled this option. So it is MS Authenticator or nothing.

how can I do? I do not mind toggling on/off a feature when I need to use MS Authenticator, but I need to find a solution.

Any ideas any one?

Beiträge: 362
Registriert: Do 6. Apr 2023, 16:14
Volla Phone mit: Volla OS 12

Re: Push notification breaks MS Authenticator

I can confirm that the M$ Authenticator refuses to add an office365 user for our enterprise.
My company alternatively allows the use of other authenticators like Google Authenticator.
I succeeded to use "OTP Authenticator"
There are other OTP Authenticator apps in f-droid and the google play store.
Beiträge: 20
Registriert: Do 29. Sep 2022, 21:13
sonstiges Handy/iPhone mit Android Version/iOS Version: Samsung S21

Re: Push notification breaks MS Authenticator


I opened a ticket on github ... issues/196
and I got a reply that works. I document it here in case this can help others.

Go to: Settings>System>MicroG Settings

Once in there, enable "Device Registration" and then "Cloud Messaging".

And MS Authenticator will ask to register to push notification and that works!

Thanks to on github for the solution.

Best regards,

Beiträge: 5
Registriert: Fr 30. Aug 2024, 03:30
Volla Phone mit: Volla OS 12

Re: Push notification breaks MS Authenticator

Hallo zusammen,

ich habe das gleiche Problem gehabt und mit den Einstellungen funktioniert es :-)
Was ich gerne noch wissen würde ist, wie kann ich den MS Authenticator in den Schliessfach sperren, irgendwie funktioniert es bei mir nicht. Das Schloss ist zwar geschlossen vor der App, aber sie lässt sich nicht sperren.

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