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Beiträge: 1
Registriert: Fr 7. Jul 2023, 12:33
VollaPhone mit: Multiboot VollaOS und Ubuntu Touch

ESIM and how it work


I'm new to ESIM, so sorry for any stupid questions! :)

i have a volla X23 and 2 SIM, one personal, one for work. I will travel in a few weeks and wanted to buy a data ESIM, but several ESIM apps report no ESIM. So i'm a bit confused, i don't find anything to enable ESIM in the Volla OS.

Must i disable one or both SIM to use ESIM? or even really remove one or both SIM cards? is any special app or setting that i'm missing

Best regards
Beiträge: 266
Registriert: Do 6. Apr 2023, 16:14
VollaPhone mit: Volla OS 12

Re: ESIM and how it work

I never used eSim myself.
The only thing I know is that the entry OpenEUICC in Settings->Network is for eSim.

On my X23 it won't open , there is a short message telling me "no EUICC device found" and it closes again.
I also have 2 physical Sims installed. I assume that maybe one has to remove one Sim, but I am not sure about that.

As I do not own an eSim myself I did no further investigation on that.

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