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Beiträge: 10
Registriert: Mo 20. Mai 2024, 08:29
VollaPhone mit: Ubuntu Touch
sonstiges Handy/iPhone mit Android Version/iOS Version: Volla Phone 22 (UT) | Google Pixel 3a (UT) | Sony Xperia XA2 Plus (Sailfish OS)

Volume level in UT does not match Waydroid when changing levels (Volla Phone 22)

Volla Phone 22
Ubuntu Touch 20.04 (OTA-4)
Waydroid (System Image 25 May 2024, Vendor Image 25 May 2024)

Hi everyone, this is my third topic. I am using a Volla Phone 22 with Ubuntu Touch as my main phone (daily), migrating from Sailfish OS. So, I will have lots of feedback to provide. I will separate them into different topics so that they can be tracked per 'issue'/'feedback'.


When I click 'volume up/down' on my Volla Phone 22 while outside of Waydroid (or when screen is off), the music playback in Waydroid (for example, Spotube or NewPipe) does not change volume. The problem goes away when I unlock my phone and go into Waydroid to change the volume (even with the side button). However, since I was lowering the audio in UT, the volume in Waydroid stays the same. Therefore, there is now a mismatch in audio. I would then lower the volume to 'mute' to 'reset' the volume to match on both UT and Waydroid. Not a big deal, just an observation that I'm sure most of you are already aware of :)


Since Waydroid is another 'app' inside UT, it is independent of controls from UT.


I am not sure if there is a solution to this given the way Waydroid is treated as a separate 'app' inside UT. However, maybe there is a way to 'match' the UT volume with Waydroid? That way, music volume control while playing audio from Waydroid can be controlled while the screen is off.

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