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Beiträge: 9
Registriert: So 16. Jan 2022, 13:06
sonstiges Handy/iPhone mit Android Version/iOS Version: Lg G5 with Lineageos.

Help for various issues on UT (vpn, axolotl, vpn in waydroid, internet tethering))

Hi dear folks ! After 10 years of Lineageos on second hand devices, I'm pretty excited to get a fresh start on UT with this new phone.
Still, there are quite a few things I can't figure out and I didn't find any tutorial that would help me out.
- I first need to have a vpn working. I'm using torguard which uses wireguard. I've followed this tutorial ... touch-3022 and didn't get it to work, it tells me that my credentials are invalid. I've asked on UT forums, and to my vpn provider for help and I'm waiting patiently that someone makes a tuto for wireguard vpns on UT, or code a decent app to handle vpns .conf files.
- Once the vpn is solved, I need Signal. Axolotl ? well why not, but how can I get my previous account from regular signal into axolotl ? The first screen of axolotl in UT asks for my phone number, I give it (in France) and nothing happens, no call, nothing. I can't get any further.
- I tought that I may use waydroid inside UT for most of the stuff i need to do online, as it's easy to setup the vpn in Lineageos. So I installed waydroid, I didn't make any change in Lineageos and I can't get the official vpn app to work into it. It doesn't connect (credentials ok). I use th e official app with openpvpn I get the message "cannot open TUN". With wireguard I don't get any message and it doesn't connect. That's a bummer.
- There's another important thing, I need to tether my 4g from UT to my Linux desktop. While I can do this in a super straight forward way with Lineageos, I can't get it to work with UT. I get into developper mode, I installed UT tweaks and changed MTP to RDNIS. I connect with a good USB-C cable to my linuxmint laptop, which doesn't see any cabled-internet (whereas it sees it with the Lineageos phone). I've read that it should work fine.
If you can answer only one of these, don't hesitate !
Beiträge: 196
Registriert: Mo 29. Mär 2021, 15:13
Wohnort: Schulpforte (Sachsen-Anhalt)
sonstiges Handy/iPhone mit Android Version/iOS Version: Vollaphone mit ABM
Pinephone mit Manjaro
Galaxy S10 mit UT
BQ Aquaris X5 mit PMOS
Nokia N900 mit PMOS
Nokia 8110 4G mit Gerda OS
OnePlus X mit Lineage OS
Sony Xperia XA2 mit Lineage OS
Kontaktdaten: Website

Re: Help for various issues on UT (vpn, axolotl, vpn in waydroid, internet tethering))

Hi fteacher and welcome to the volla community!

Could you please open a new thread for every issue? Doing so will help users with same questions to find solution in this forum. I will close this thread to make sure that nothing goes out of control.
Once you opened new Threads for your topics (with descriptive titles and so on) I will try to answer the questions you have.

Have a nice day :)

PS: If you need help with the forum, feel free to contact me via DM ^^
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