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Beiträge: 8
Registriert: Di 16. Nov 2021, 14:12

Unity8 restarts each time on unlocking the phone

0. Volla phone, latest OTA update, stable branch.
1. Power on the phone, wait until it boots up.
2. Enter SIM pin, unlock the phone with phone pin.
3. Lock the phone with power button.
4. Press the power button to unlock the phone, observe the Unity booting screen, wait for it.
5. Enter the phone pin and unlock successfully.

After that every unlocking starts with reboot (step 4).

Side effect or symptom: fingerprint reader stopped working at all, trying to erase fingerprints crashes Settings program.

Where to look for details?
(syslog is useless, even if you filter out every light sensor message)
Beiträge: 8
Registriert: Di 16. Nov 2021, 14:12

Re: Unity8 restarts each time on unlocking the phone

Disabling fingerprint sensor solved the issue.

P.S.: What's the point of having a forum where nobody answers?
Beiträge: 196
Registriert: Mo 29. Mär 2021, 15:13
Wohnort: Schulpforte (Sachsen-Anhalt)
sonstiges Handy/iPhone mit Android Version/iOS Version: Vollaphone mit ABM
Pinephone mit Manjaro
Galaxy S10 mit UT
BQ Aquaris X5 mit PMOS
Nokia N900 mit PMOS
Nokia 8110 4G mit Gerda OS
OnePlus X mit Lineage OS
Sony Xperia XA2 mit Lineage OS
Kontaktdaten: Website

Re: Unity8 restarts each time on unlocking the phone


good to see that you found a solution. The purpose of the forum is to have a space where users of the volla products (like you and me) can discuss ideas and help each other. Sometimes it appears that nobody can help with a specific issue. If you cant get any help from the forum, I'd suggest to contact the official Team of Hallo Welt Systeme. You can find a contact formular here:

However, as Im using the forum for over a year now, I have to say that there are a lot of cases where solutions for different problems where found here. So I can recommend asking questions here first so that other users can either help you or profit from the suggestions and solutions that others come up with.

Have a nice day :)
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