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Beiträge: 7
Registriert: Fr 10. Nov 2023, 01:56
VollaPhone mit: Volla OS 12

How Install Ubuntu touch in dual boot ?

Hello ,

I received my X23 recently. I tried to install UT with Volla Boot Manager but the phone ask me to select a file Halium.

I searched everywhere: github UT, github Volla OS etc. I couldn't find any explanation on how to install. Not to mention the fact that I especially can't find the Halium file. :roll: :roll: :oops:

Did I look wrong? I don't want to go through UBports, I really want to go with volla OS and UT using the tool that is provided.

Do you have any information on this please?

Thank you in advance,

Beiträge: 266
Registriert: Do 6. Apr 2023, 16:14
VollaPhone mit: Volla OS 12

Re: How Install Ubuntu touch in dual boot ?

Did you install all updates for the VollaOS yet ?
Beiträge: 7
Registriert: Fr 10. Nov 2023, 01:56
VollaPhone mit: Volla OS 12

Re: How Install Ubuntu touch in dual boot ?


I did all the updates for volla os.

Beiträge: 266
Registriert: Do 6. Apr 2023, 16:14
VollaPhone mit: Volla OS 12

Re: How Install Ubuntu touch in dual boot ?

with VollaOS version 12-20231102-STABLE-vidofnir
it works for me, do you have the same version on your X23?
Beiträge: 7
Registriert: Fr 10. Nov 2023, 01:56
VollaPhone mit: Volla OS 12

Re: How Install Ubuntu touch in dual boot ?


I have the same 🫠.

I did a reset factory and updated it. Same result.

Beiträge: 266
Registriert: Do 6. Apr 2023, 16:14
VollaPhone mit: Volla OS 12

Re: How Install Ubuntu touch in dual boot ?


in VollaBoot Manager I add a new ROM
then the system offers me to download the Ubuntu Touch
Worked just as it should
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Beiträge: 7
Registriert: Fr 10. Nov 2023, 01:56
VollaPhone mit: Volla OS 12

Re: How Install Ubuntu touch in dual boot ?


i confirm that after again a reset for the phone, the installation for UT worked.

Thank you for your help.

Now I have an another Big problem... I will do a New post 🙃.


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