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Beiträge: 196
Registriert: Mo 29. Mär 2021, 15:13
Wohnort: Schulpforte (Sachsen-Anhalt)
sonstiges Handy/iPhone mit Android Version/iOS Version: Vollaphone mit ABM
Pinephone mit Manjaro
Galaxy S10 mit UT
BQ Aquaris X5 mit PMOS
Nokia N900 mit PMOS
Nokia 8110 4G mit Gerda OS
OnePlus X mit Lineage OS
Sony Xperia XA2 mit Lineage OS
Kontaktdaten: Website

Droidian Installation on VollaPhone

Hi folks,
I just installed Droidian a day ago. The installation process didnt worked out as described in the Manual on but with kind help of the members from the Droidian Telegram Group, I was able to install the "Nightly" release to my Volla Phone.

Here are the steps that worked out for me:
* Boot twrp
* Push (with adb push /tmp) the three zipfiles
* Format userdata (note that you will lose whatever files you have in your data partition)
* Flash the three zipfiles via the twrp UI in the following order: rootfs, devtools, adaptation
* Before rebooting, pull the /tmp/recovery.log file which may have some useful info... (adb pull /tmp/recovery.log)

Thanks to Eugenio from the Telegram Group for the great support.
I must also underline, that Droidian is definitely not meant to be used as a daily driver at the moment. There are quite a few issues with the phone-functionality, SMS, mobile data etc. BUT it is indeed a very impressive project with a pretty UI ;)

Feel free to give it a try, if you - like me - want to experience the early state of a mobile OS development.
Geduld ist der Begleiter der Weisheit.

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