Before creating a topic or post, please follow our Binding Forum Rules.
Please inform us in your enquiry at least about
- Device model used
- Operating system version and last update
- Other hardware and software components that are related to the problem
- Affected app including version number
- Attempts already made to solve the problem
Beiträge: 855
Registriert: Mo 29. Mär 2021, 15:14
Wohnort: SN - CZ - SK - HU - RO
Volla Phone mit: Volla OS 13
sonstiges Handy/iPhone mit Android Version/iOS Version: weitere VollaPhones mit Volla OS und Ubuntu Touch

Rules for creating topics and posts

Rules for creating topics and posts:

Vollaforum is a forum by and for users. We are a friendly and open forum. In order to provide good support, please follow these rules for creating topics and posts:

1. please search first with the help of the search function in the forum or in the guides and FAQs for possible solutions for your concern. Often a source for a solution to your problem is already available. If no solution can be found despite an intensive search, it makes sense to create a new topic.

Select the appropriate subforum for your request. If your topic does not fit into the selected subforum, the moderators will gladly move it to the appropriate forum.

3. it is very important to ask only one question per topic. If you have more than one question, you can open more topics after considering point 1. If you do not follow this rule and open a topic with more than one question, the moderators may split or delete the topic.

4. use a technical and factual meaningful title, so that the topic can be found later for other help seekers. Titles like "System problems" or "Phone does not work" are problematic. A title like "System won't boot after updating from version XXX to version XXX" makes more sense.

5. write, as good as you can, in well and short written texts with clear content and sensible grammar.

6. inform us in your request about:
- device model used
- operating system version
- other hardware and software components related to the problem
- already undertaken attempts to solve the problem

7. please refrain from attaching your request to another topic. Even if you think that your question fits into the other topic, it is not unlikely that the solutions can be different. Therefore, always open a separate topic to your question or wait for the solution of the foreign topic to see if it can be of help to you.

8. do not ask for help through private messages.

9. if you have found the solution in the meantime, be so kind and publish your solution under your thread. Subsequent help seekers will be happy about it.

10. mark your thread as solved if you consider your request as answered. The moderators will ask you if necessary and help you.

Thanks and have fun with your VollaPhone
Beste Grüße und eine gute Zeit - Best regards and a good time

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