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Beiträge: 10
Registriert: Mo 20. Mai 2024, 08:29
VollaPhone mit: Ubuntu Touch
sonstiges Handy/iPhone mit Android Version/iOS Version: Volla Phone 22 (UT) | Google Pixel 3a (UT) | Sony Xperia XA2 Plus (Sailfish OS)

Scrolling on Waydroid Jumps and Reverses (Volla Phone 22)

Volla Phone 22
Ubuntu Touch 20.04 (OTA-4)
Waydroid (System Image 25 May 2024, Vendor Image 25 May 2024)

Hi everyone, this is my first topic. I am using a Volla Phone 22 with Ubuntu Touch as my main phone (daily), migrating from Sailfish OS. So, I will have lots of feedback to provide. I will separate them into different topics so that they can be tracked per 'issue'/'feedback'.


When I quickly scroll down in Waydroid (in any app/browser), the screen jumps around as if it gets confused on where I am touching it. It even goes as far as scrolling entirely the other way, all the way to the top. The same goes for scrolling up (I end up at the very bottom). I noticed this happens in Waydroid in general, and not in specific apps. I can confirm though that is does happen in Firefox, IMDB, NewPipe and others. I thought at first it was the screen protector, but then I tried scrolling in Morph or Sapot browser in UT (outside of Waydroid), and the scrolling seems fine.


Touch sensitivity in Waydroid is higher than in UT?
Ghost touches are being registered?
Scrolling is being interrupted by the 'next' touch?


Not sure yet

NB - I have already replied to two other topics here, related to the Volla Phone 22 and UT. And it seems the devs have solved some issues already, which is awesome. Thank you very much! Also, the latest 25 May 2024 Waydroid update has definitely improvement the 'speed' inside Waydroid.

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